Birth Story – Janine and Cara

Birth Story – Janine and Cara

YogaBirth love a birth story

We love the birth stories sent to us from our many pregnancy yoga teachers via the mums that attend their classes and although the births can vary, one things is always the same – the mums are always so complementary about how our yoga classes contributed to their positive birth experiences.

Here’s a beautiful story sent to us by yoga teacher Louisa Aldridge.

“Hi Louisa,

Here is my birthing story from over 4 years ago. I still remember you very fondly, and as someone who gave me the assurance I needed at that time.

What really helped that I took from the yoga classes with you were the different breathing techniques at various stages of the birth.

It’s very reassuring to be in the throws of labour and feel confident as I controlled my breathing and had something to focus on, so my body was left to do what it knew how to do.

You really helped me hang onto my goal of a homebirth, and connected me with your friend, a private midwife (Kemi) to talk to. Her advice to listen to my body and trust my instincts was the assurance I needed.


At this point I was 14 days over due with my 2nd child, and was being pressured by the hospital to come in and be induced. I ask them to give me the weekend to buy myself some more time.

On the Saturday I went to the swimming pool. Holding onto the side I just floated, stomach side down and I could feel her in my belly turn and adjust. On Sunday morning at 6am I started with contractions.

I paced round the bedroom for an hour before my husband woke up wondering what I was doing.

He quickly sprung into action, and ran downstairs to start filling the birthing pool. Our toddler woke up and was put in front of the telly till granny could arrive. The midwife was called, but it was changeover time and there was some confusion about who to ring.

A quick birth

He (my husband) was busy running up and down the stairs whilst I just keep pacing the floor in the bedroom.

He brought me up a chocolate chip tracker bar to help keep up my energy, and I said “Really? Quick put down some towels!”

I was on all fours, and every time I had a contraction I coughed, and a bit more of the head appeared. Out she came at 8:40am, and my husband handed her to me.

All this before the midwifes had a chance to arrive!

It was fab! Not too painful and just the 3 of us for 5 minutes.

Perfect really. And an hour later, we were all together in the kitchen eating croissants and jam.

Thanks for helping to make this the birthing story that happened. I’ll always be grateful.

Janine and Cara.”

Janine and Cara

How can I find out more?

If you’re pregnant and would like us to support you physically and mentally as you prepare for your birth, find your nearest YogaBirth Pregnancy Yoga teacher here

Find out more about Louisa’s yoga classes, head to


I wanted to write to say a big thank you for the yoga classes these past few months. I didn’t know quite what to expect but they quickly became one of my favourite hours of the week – a quiet time to really focus on my baby and de-stress from the battles of work. I learnt an enormous amount from you about relaxation, distancing myself from pain and breathing. I started to look forward to giving birth to see what my body was capable of doing. As it turns out, baby was lying breech for the final few weeks of pregnancy. The day after our final yoga class, my waters broke with gusto at home and so we made our way to hospital. We decided that, due to a variety of factors, we would prefer to have a Caesarean section. This then all happened very efficiently – from my waters breaking at 8am, our beautiful baby boy was delivered at 2.33pm in theatre. Whilst he was three and a half weeks early and didn’t exactly follow our natural birth plan, he is absolutely fine and charming the socks off everyone already – we’re besotted!


Most importantly, I can look back at the birth itself and smile with tears in my eyes. It was utterly incredible. Perfect in fact. Unbelievably empowering. And the love I felt for both my husband and baby was off the scale. Coming to yoga classes not only helped my confidence with positions during labour, but was a great way to have some special ‘me’ time – and of course a fantastic way to meet other mummies-to-be.


I would say my birth experience started when I joined your excellent YogaBirth classes. Before then I had a very different perception of birth; thought that I would involve going into the hospital, having an epidural as soon as I walked through the door, letting the doctors take over and tell me what to do. After my first class, my thought process completely changed and I realised I had a lot of learning to do and could gain a lot more from this experience.

A totally natural delivery

I gave birth to a baby girl (3 kilos!) at 1.41 am on Thursday The birth team (A wonderful midwife and acupuncturist) was amazing and with the help of the positions you taught us we managed to get through with a totally natural labour and delivery.

Thankfully there were no complications, no need for drugs, and the full labour lasted for less than 4 hours. We left the hospital on Thursday afternoon and have been at home ever since adapting to our new family life and trying to get used to sleepless nights!

Just wanted to thank you for all your support, without which it might have been quite a different experience. I will make a booking for your postnatal yoga classes.

A wonderful birth

His birth was wonderful. Very long and hard work but such a great experience. I gave birth to him standing up with R holding me up. It was such a great moment when he came out and I held him for the first time. Life with a new born is pretty full on and has been quite an adjustment! It feels like he feeds all day and all night, breaking only to have his nappy changed or to puke up on his clothes. But it’s all worth it because he’s so fantastic.