YogaBirth Study Weekend 2021
Saturday 5th June
9.45 Welcome and chat
10.00 – 12.00 Yoga with Anne Marie Zulkahari, 90 mins, followed by questions and answers with a cup of tea
12.00 – 1.00 Lunch Break
1.00 – 3.00 Midwifery Update Kemi Johnson
3.00 – 3.45 Quiz Lulu – Members Only
Sunday 6th June
9.45 Check in
10.00 – 12.00 Yoga with Gary Carter
12.00 – 1.00 Lunch break
1.00 – 2.30 Documentary filmmaker Rani Kahnna – Postpartum Haemorrhage Crisis
2.30 – 2.45 Tea break
2.45 – 4.00 Sound therapy session / Yoga Nidra with Ingrid Fraser, intro and pre-recorded
4.00 – 4.15 Closing Circle for all with Lulu, Sophia and Julie
Yoga with – Anne-Marie H. Zulkahari
10am – 12pm

Exploring the breath and the horizontal diaphragms
The horizontal diaphragms (including the thoracic and pelvic diaphragms), help support our breath in our yoga asanas and breathing techniques. It awakens the inner world of our organs and fluids which in turn bring a sense of ease to our musculoskeletal systems.
Anne–Marie H. Zulkahari has been teaching Scaravelli-based Yoga for 30 years. She also runs a Pilates studio and teacher training programme in London. She trained in the Pilates Method back in the seventies whilst dancing professionally in New York, U.S.A. Anne–Marie is a director of the LYTTC Yoga teacher training and two years ago certified as a Body-Mind Centering®️ Practitioner and teacher.
Midwifery Update with – Kemi Johnson
1pm – 3pm

The physiology of birth with a focus on environment and positions
Kemi is formerly a UK registered midwife and is now known as a Birthkeeper. She studies birth physiology and related evidence so that she can keep up to date with the best ways to facilitate healthy and happy birthing for families. Her expertise is home birthing. Kemi speaks at conferences, shares skills and information with other birth practitioners and has a vibrant social media presence for the benefit of parents, their babies and practitioners who are interested in gold standard facilitation of physiological birth.
Yoga with – Gary Carter
10am – 12pm

Exploring the suspended pelvis and sacrum
We will look at the many directions of connections of the pelvic structure, It’s muscle, fascia and how the legs surround the inner pelvic ring. This will be a combination of Slides, images and movement practice.
GARY CARTER. KMI, IASI, YTTC, BAWLA, LTDip, Institute of Anatomical Sciences
Gary Carter has over 30 years of experience in movement, physical training, anatomical study and bodywork practices. With a background in athletics, competition cycling, bodybuilding, martial arts, yoga and manual therapies, he himself has studied with many inspiring teachers. trainers and masters in their fields including the training in ‘elasticity of the spine and stretching’ at age 14 by a professional cycling coach.
From this background he has created his own unique way of working and ‘seeing’ which he incorporates into his teachings, trainings and practices, where students learn techniques and methods of training that bring long term results to the Feel, Movement and Look of the body.
He studied his Yoga Teacher Training in 1991 with Mary Stewart, Sophy Hoare, Peter Blackaby and Fascial movement Genius John Stirk and after a brief time with Vanda Scaravelli he met and studied with Diane Long, a long term student of Scaravelli’s, in Florence and Rome.
He has also run 2 yoga teacher trainings and continues to run his 10 month Anatomy & Myofascial Movement Courses for yoga, Pilates and fitness teachers in England, Scotland, Ireland, Europe and Brazil over the past 15 years.
Gary is also part of the Fascial Net Plastination Project and lead dissector and designer, working alongside Gunther Von Hagens’ team from the Plastinarium in Germany, to create the world’s first Plastinated Fascial Human and displaying the first pieces ever seen as 3d imaged plastinated models at the World Fascia Research Congress in Berlin 2018.
Documentary filmmaker – Rani Kahnna
1pm – 2:30pm

Postpartum Haemorrhage Crisis
- Introducing PPH and how it is the leading cause of maternal deaths in low and middle- income countries.
- Overview of research outlining obstacles and difficulties women face when giving birth in South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria and Sri Lanka. Cultural beliefs, societal differences, learnings and outcomes from my research.
- Describing the E-MOTIVE programme led by Professor Arri Coomarasamy of Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine and the Joint Director of the WHO
Collaborating Centre for Global Women’s Health, at the University of Birmingham, which is exploring a package of interventions that could save mothers around the world. The aim is to implement an early detection strategy and a ‘first response’ bundle of care for cutting down deaths and complications
related to PPH by 25%. - Describing my research and creative process for the film, the collaborative nature of the project, my concerns, insights, question marks…
- How to consider the medical approach, solutions and interventions within the bigger picture.
- The political nature of Birth, how it is being standardised and exported, links with Black Births Matter.
- Initiatives and collaborations with 5 Film MA students: MothersDayCrisis (9th May), the representation of birth in the media/films (2 minute video),
Possible collaboration with The Birth Rites Collection…. - Breakout room activities/discussions to be confirmed.
Rani Khanna is an independant filmmaker and a birth doula, half french half Indian, based in London.
Over the last 20 years Rani has made documentaries addressing human and minority rights, social and health issues and the Arts, as well as teaching filmmaking in a variety of educational institutions and leading international workshops.
For the last 5 years she was a guest lecturer at the University of Westminster (MA Diversity and the Media), covering the module – Reporting Diversity : Gender, Sexuality, Age and Disability.
She became a mother in her early twenties, giving birth to her daughter Miyuki at St Mary’s in 1987 and to her son Pierre at home in 1989. In 2010, Rani trained to become a birth doula with Michel Odent and Liliana Lemmers.
Currently she has been appointed the position of Creative Fellow in Filmmaking at the University of Birmingham, to produce a film addressing the work being done on Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH) in Africa and Sri Lanka, led by professor Arri Coomarasamy of Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine and the Joint Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Women’s Health, at the University of Birmingham.
In 2008, she founded You & Eye Films to produce films for broadcast, for the charity & NGO’s sectors & international projects. She is interested in exploring the parallels between filmmaking and being a birth doula, the overlaps between both, leading to the concept and approach of a “film doula”.
Yoga Nidra – Ingrid Fraser
2:45pm – 4pm

Sound therapy / yoga Nidra
The session opens with gentle movement, energy medicine and a little meditation to ground before the yoga nidra and Sound therapy healing starts. This is a session which rejuvenates and restores on all levels: physically, mentally and spiritually.
Ingrid Fraser: Yoga teacher (Rajha Dhi Rajaha), Sacred singer and Sound Therapist, Mother of 3