Why is what we offer mothers in our postnatal yoga classes so important?
Having a baby is life changing – it is different to any other experience a person has. It is hard which is why it is life changing for both parents. It gives you a new perspective of life and relationships and new ways of understanding yourself – having a baby teaches you a new way to be. But how women react and respond to this huge change in their lives can give rise to problems and it can also bring great joy and a more creative approach to life.

Find your village in your postnatal yoga class
Running a postnatal class gives you an opportunity to see how the mother is responding to her baby and any issues she may be having, most commonly around feeding her baby. We are offering the women a support network – the village green. This can be where relationships between the women can develop and seeing other mums with their babies make women realise that what they are experiencing is normal.
These classes are for mothers and babies so there are certain practical as well as health and safety issues to consider. The mother should feel that the baby is well accommodated for and that the class is ‘baby led’. Easy access is essential as is a safe and clean environment for a new baby. We are creating a safe environment for women to come together as a group – where they will make life-long friendships.

A baby led approach
As teachers, we will explain at the beginning of the class that it is ‘baby led’. Sometimes they will achieve everything – sometimes all they will do is feed their baby. But that is okay. It can be really helpful when you have someone coming back who’s done it all before as they reassure everyone that the class can be chaotic.
Postnatal yoga
The yoga element of the postnatal class in part is the bringing together of the women and breathing. Just being there is so important. If they actually manage to do some yoga, that is even better! Much of the work is about giving something back to the mother. It may be the first time she has done something for herself since having her baby. Observing how her body feels post birth. Noticing where the areas of tension are. Noticing the changes in her body post birth, her posture, her core strength and beginning to engage the pelvic floor for essential recovery. Also finding time to relax in the class – a moment of time out.
It is a challenging class to teach but incredibly satisfying as you truly are supporting the women at this transitional time in their lives. I incorporate baby massage in my classes which I think works very effectively. It is a good opportunity to get the mothers to bond with the baby and the feedback I get is that it is wonderful to do a class that is for the ‘mother and the baby’.
How can I find out more?
To find out about how to become a YogaBirth postnatal yoga teacher in your area, click the button below.
Mother, Grandmother
YogaBirth pre and postnatal Teacher
Scaravelli Yoga Teacher