PGP – How YogaBirth Can Help

By Lolly Stirk

Pelvic girdle pain, which affects one in 5 pregnant women, is an umbrella term for pain in the hips, symphysis pubis, (at the front of the pelvis), sacro-iliac joints, (at the back of the pelvis), in the little tailbone, (coccyx), in the lower back and even down the inner thighs.

Hormones do the job of loosening the ligaments and soft tissue which hold the pelvis together, to help accommodate the baby and ultimately let the baby pass through the bony structure of the pelvis and soft tissue of the pelvic floor.

If there are imbalances, poor posture, or old injury sites which were managing fine before the softening takes place, this loosening of the structure can increase the effect and cause the pain. Not to mention the additional weight which adds to the problem.

PGP can be devastating physically and emotionally but information and help is at hand to help you manage this difficult situation. There is a very comprehensive website to turn to for sound advice.

Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy

How YogaBirth can help with Pelvic Girdle Pain

Our YogaBirth teachers are trained to help you manage this pain. We will do all we can to help you join in, and not feel isolated which is one of the sad results of this syndrome.

Coming up and down to the floor is difficult with PGP so we offer you a chair or ball in class so that you can feel supported and join in with all the breathing and upper body stretches.

Gym balls or stability balls to sit on can be so useful as they give you support as well as a sense of freedom when properly used.

In the standing poses, we will be encouraging you to keep your postures small, with narrow spaces between your feet and to draw up strength and stability from the ground.

Through the breath work we will be working with you, in simple postures, using mini movements to manage and realign your body with gravity and build strength.

The Ayurvedic medicine take…

Ayurvedic medicine has such a clever take on any discomfort caused through pregnancy. Rather than blame the pregnancy or the baby for the difficulty or pain, we are encouraged to be grateful that your weakness is being highlighted so that you can do something about it and not have it reoccur in further pregnancies or old age. Lovely!

If you’d like to enquire about training with YogaBirth, email us by clicking the button below.